When I was a little girl, my family got an English Springer
Spaniel. She was called "Emmie" and she was almost my own
dog. I did training classes with her and I competed in obedience
as soon as I had the age and I showed her at shows. She died only
two years old, but she helped me to find a hobby that now is a 
part of my life. 
After her, we had several Springers and I thought that that was 
"my" breed until I went to work at a kennel after school where they 
bred bearded collies and briards. That was when I found it! My breed 
wasn't springers, it was briards!!!

One day when I was working in the kennel, the owner came up to me
and asked me if I wanted a briard male. He was two years old and
the people who had him was divorcing so they couldn't keep him.
IF I WANTED!!! So "James" came in to my life.
He had some problems that wasn't so nice all of the time, but I loved
him and we did some obedience and shows together.

When I left the kennel, I knew that I wanted to work with dogs in some
way so I went away for some months to learn how to groom dogs.
That's 15 years ago now and I have been grooming ever since.

I don't know why, but I usually take dogs home with me when I have
been away. From the kennel it was James and from the grooming
education it was "Trollet", a wonderful, black American Cocker 
Spaniel. Noone had time for her and I fell totally so I took her home.
She was 5 months then and she was 12,5 y.o. when she died.
The most lovely dog you can imagine. Friendly, outgoing, kind and 
allways hungry!

For several years I had two briards. It was "Dulle" and "Louis". 
One fawn and one black. Dulle was my favourite to work with and he
became an obedience champion. He was allways willing to work and
to please. He had some fun at competitions, so it took some time 
before he had that champion title. But how I loved that dog! You can
read more about him doing obedience in his own obedience guide 
(coming in English soon).
With Louis I also did obedience, up to elite class, but he never 
became a champion. He got ill and died far too young.
Both the boys did very well in the show rings as well and got many,
many CC's and Best Of Breed.

Today, me and my husband, are working together with dogs. We have
training classes for dog owners and my grooming thing is also a 
part of our buissness. We are both instructors and have had 
trainig classes for many years.

Today, we have four dogs in the family: Benke's dogs "Grabben" 
and "Rasmus". A malinois and a German shepherd.
My dogs are called "Svante" and "Primus" and they are Ceskyterriers.

I realized when I was pregnant with my third daughter that I didn't 
have the time or the strength to have another briard so I got a Cesky.
Svante and I have been to shows (yes, he is a champion) and we
also do obedience and we have done fine. Svante has his own page,
where you can read more about him (coming in English soon).
Primus is a cesky puppy born in March 2001, so I don't really know
what it will become of him, but he looks very nice and he is fun to
work with, so we will see.....
If you want to know more about him, look at his page!
And you can also learn more about ceskys by reading the standard 
and look at some pictures.

More about me and dogs is to read at the list with one hundred facts.

You are also welcome to look here, at the page about the dogs 
that aren't around anymore...... I want to remember them.....

